Larry Stephen Clifton is a professor of communications at Walters State Community College, where he initiated a course in film appreciation, and is an associate of Cinemarr Entertainment, which made the first independent horror film in HD1080 24p with Sony's F-900 camera, the same type used by George Lucas in Star Wars called Bell Witch: The Movie, Larry also has an undergraduate degree (communications and literature) from the University of Tennessee, graduate degrees from New York University (film), Vanderbilt University (theology), and the Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University (rhetoric). Dr. Clifton also attended The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London where he learned under Sir John Gielgud and Sir Lawrence Olivier. Dr. Clifton has authored books on public speaking (Public Speaking: An Academic and Professional Source), interpersonal communication (Your Platform is the World) and theatre history (The Terrible Fitzball: Melodramatist of the Macabre, the standard text of Edward Fitzball, 19th century England's greatest playwright of the horrific), in addition to writing the Foreword to The Idiot's Guide to Public Speaking (2nd edition). His forthcoming book on the classic horror is entitled The Cinema of Fright.With a background in broadcasting, Larry approached his friend Jim England to create "Clifton's Classics," a talk-show uniquely dedicated to lauding and exploring the cultural dynamics of the communicative arts (film, theatre, music, literature, et al.) and to interviewing the creators of them.
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